

Oct 26, 2023

The Right Chemistry: No, don't worry about Teflon pans

I see no safety issue with non-stick pot and pans. I do see a safety issue with foods that burn in uncoated pans and produce carcinogenic compounds.

Oh what a difference a few atoms can make! And that is a critical point to consider when addressing the thorny issue of poly and perfluoroalkyl substances (PFASs), chemicals used to formulate durable tubing and hoses, oil- and moisture-resistant coatings for paper and fabrics, insulators for electronics and, famously, non-stick cookware. A recent statement released by several concerned scientists warned about the potential toxicity of these chemicals and their buildup in the environment. They urged that their production be limited and the search for safer non-fluorinated alternatives be increased.

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Given that the environmental persistence of PFASs is well documented, and that animal studies, as well as some human epidemiological data, suggest a possible effect on health, the "Madrid Statement," as it has come to be called, merits serious consideration. But science, as they say, is in the details. Not all PFASs are alike in their environmental and toxicological effects, and different products formulated with these chemicals lead to different amounts released into the environment.

This brings us to the question that is of interest to most consumers. Is there a need to worry about Teflon-coated pots and pans?

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Perfluorooctanoic acid, or PFOA, is the specific PFAS that has received the most attention because it has been linked with a number of health issues, and until 2012, was used as an emulsifier in the production of non-stick coatings for pots and pans. The heat treatment involved in applying the coating was designed to eliminate PFOA from the final product, but eliminating all traces is not possible. The questions then, are how much remains, how much of it can be transferred to food and how that amount compares with known toxic doses. An analytical technique known as liquid chromatography-mass spectrometry (LCMS) can provide the answer in terms of exposure, and animal studies can determine the smallest dose that causes a reaction.

Applying a wire brush attached to an electric drill to a non-stick pan produces a fine powder that can be extracted with methanol to yield a sample for PFOA analysis. The maximum amount found in any sample was 75 parts per billion, meaning that an average pan coated with about 15 grams of Teflon has at most 1.1 micrograms of PFOA. Using model systems of water and oil, it was determined that at regular cooking temperatures, at most 17 per cent of this migrates, meaning that a maximum of 0.2 micrograms can be extracted, with amounts decreasing after each use. These values did not change even after the pans were heated over a flame burner to mimic abusive heating.

Now, the lowest dose at which any adverse effect is noted in a non-human primate is 3 milligrams per kilogram body weight per day. For a 10 kg child, this would mean 30 milligrams. Dividing by the usual 100 safety factor for species difference, we get 0.3 milligrams, which is still 1,500 times more than the maximum amount than can be leached out from a pan. So the bottom line here is that exposure to PFOA from a Teflon coated pan is insignificant.

Furthermore, considering that PFOA is no longer used to make Teflon cookware, I see no safety issue with non-stick pot and pans. I do see a safety issue with foods that burn in uncoated pans and produce carcinogenic compounds. Nevertheless, for anyone still worried, excellent ceramic non-stick cookware is available, and of course you can always use well-seasoned cast iron.

While PFOA in cookware is not a problem, its appearance elsewhere may well be. It seems the compound can form in the environment as well as in the body from precursor fluorinated chemicals such as fluorotelomer alcohols and polyfluoroalkyl phosphate esters used in stain-resistant fabrics and food packaging such as microwave popcorn. Waste water treatment plants also may be a source of PFOA because they rely on decomposing waste by bacteria, some of which can break down other fluorinated compounds to yield PFOA.

Toxicity is of course related to molecular structure, and apparently PFOA's backbone of eight carbon atoms is the problem. Shorter chains have less toxic potential, are less persistent in the environment and are less likely to bioaccumulate, although critics claim that there is insufficient long-term evidence for this. Manufacturers disagree and are replacing long chain PFASs with short chain versions. Calling attention to the problems associated with long chain fluorinated compounds is long overdue, but the Madrid Statement seems short sighted in its approach to short chain fluorochemicals.

[email protected]

Joe Schwarcz is director of McGill University's Office for Science & Society ( He hosts The Dr. Joe Show on CJAD Radio 800 AM every Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m.

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