

Aug 06, 2023

New tower at Nexans' Halden factory stands tall

Nexans has completed the construction of the new XLPE insulation tower at its subsea cable factory in Halden, Norway.

Nexans began the expansion of the Halden factory about two months ago and after 69 days the raising of the tower is completed, the company said.

The tower is 152.89 meters tall, which makes it Norway's tallest building and first skyscraper, the company added.

To remind, the Paris-headquartered company recently opened a high-voltage subsea cable plant in Charleston, South Carolina, the first such facility in the United States.

From the new facility, Nexans will deliver subsea cables up to 525 kV HVDC and 400 kV HVAC, covering the full range of needed products for export cables for offshore wind and subsea interconnections.

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Nexans has completed the construction of the new XLPE insulation tower at its subsea cable factory in Halden, Norway. Register for Offshore Energy Exhibition & Conference: